echoes, silence, patience & grace

I had high hopes for Foo Fighter's latest album (title). Wasn't really much of a fan for the first track but I gradually learned to liked it. I originally thought it felt like the album One by One which, in my opinion, felt rushed and incomplete.

So I yield into my temptations and listened to their thirty second intro in youtube and i gotta say, the album really sounded good. The impression I got fron The Ballad of the Beaconsfield Miners is that it sounded a lot like what Norah Jones might write. Matter of fact, most of the acoustics in that album sounds country, I think.

I was hoping for it to be almost like Colors & Shapes or TiNLTL (had to keep it short, it's a really long album title) but what the hay, a band's gotta change it sound, gotta evolve.

on a final note: at last! an entry that's comprehensible! thank bob.

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